
🔖 english
🔖 grammar

Guangyao Zhao


Jun 15, 2022

所谓不定词短语,就是 to 加上原形动词所形成的的短语。不定词最合理的解释就是把它视为助动词的变化。只要弄清楚不定词与助动词之间的关系,就可以了解不定词的变化以及与现在分词,过去分词和动名词的关系。

1 不定词与动名词的共同点

  • I am glad to know you.
  • I am glad because I can know you.
  • I am glad because I am able to know you.

在 I am glad because I am able to know you 中,在 because 所引导的副词从句中,主语 I 和前面主要从句的主语相同,是重复元素。动词 am 无意义。因此 I am 可省略。如此一来,副词从句中省略主语和动词之后,已经不是一个完整的从句结构,即「I am glad because able to know you.」中 because 也可不存在。剩下的 to know 有 able to 的暗示,综上,就变为「I am glad to know you」。从以上可看出,不定词与助动词的关系极为密切:

  1. 后面都要接原形动词:
    • I will go.
    • I want to go.
  2. 都有不确定的语气:
    • He is right.
    • He maybe right.
    • He seems to be right.
  3. 都要完成式来表达相对的过去时间。助动词和不定词本身都无法完整表达过去的时间:
    • It must be raining now.
    • It may rain anytime.
    • It might even snow.

在此,might 并不是 may 的过去时,而是一种弱化的语气。从中可以看出 must, may, might 均只能表示现在或者未来时间的事情,助动词本身缺乏表达过去时间的能力。如果早上地面看起来湿湿的,则可以说:It must have rained last night.

在猜测过去的事情时,无论是 must, may 还是 might 都只能表示语气强弱的差别,无法表达过去。助动词后面要接原形动词,也不能表示过去式,所以别无选择,只能用完成式来表示过去,即 must have rained 这种形态。从这点看,不定词仍然和助动词相同:It seems to have rained last night.


  • Must \(\rightarrow\) have to
  • Should \(\rightarrow\) ought to
  • Will/would \(\rightarrow\) be going to
  • Can/could \(\rightarrow\) be able to
  • May/might \(\rightarrow\) be likely to


2 不定词与动名词的区分


  • 现在分词:形容词
  • 过去分词:形容词
  • 动名词:名词
  • 不定词:形容词,副词,名词


  • They plan to marry next month:to marry next month 就是 (that) they will marry next month 的变化,marry 是计划中的事情,所以用 they will marry,即 they are to marry,这时候如果把重复的 they 和 空的 be 动词省略,就成了不定词 to marry。
  • I avoid making the same mistake twice:此时 making 比 to make 恰当,因为 to make 是 will make 的省略,有未来的意思。
  • I hate to say this, but I think you’re mistaken.
  • I like to be the first:can be.
  • I don’t like to wait too long:will wait.
  • I dislike standing in long lines:dislike 本身是否定的,就不适合接 I will stand in long lines.
  • Try being late:你尝试下迟到,不迟到很难,但迟到很简单啊。所以可以表示为一种既定的事实的感觉。不可用 must, might 等语气助词,所以只能用动名词了。
  • I remember calling her at 6 last night:在描述一种事实,没有助动词存在,即不可用 must, might.
  • The speaker stopped talking at the second bell:talking 表示一种动作的持续。
  • The speaker stopped a second to drink some water:to drink 是 he could drink 的变化,可还原为:The speaker stopped a second so that he could drink some water.

2.1 使役动词和原形动词

The little girl asked her mother to come to the PTA meeting \(\rightarrow\) The little girl asked if her mother would come to the PTA meeting.

Ask 是普通动词,邀请人参加,但别人不一定愿意,所以会牵涉到语气助词,就会变为 to come 而不是 coming。


  • The teacher made the little girl stay behind:表示强制性地让其留下来。
  • The teacher asked the girl to stay behind:此时小女孩可自由选择。

2.2 感官动词与原形动词

I heard her playing the violin.

所谓感官动词就是 see, hear, watch 等等。它们后面不适合不定词,因为不定词是助动词的变化,有不确定语气。比如说 to play the violin,就表示 she would play the violin(她想要或将去拉小提琴),那么这是听不到的。所以看到,听到这些字眼只能配合确实发生过的事情使用。

  • I heard her cry out in pain:cry out 表示一瞬间的哭了出来,并不具有持续性
  • She was crying in pain:持续性