
🔖 english
🔖 grammar

Guangyao Zhao


Jun 21, 2022


1 介系词短语


  • Cherries are in season now:名词
  • Eggs are sold by the dozen:动词
  • The box is full of chocolates:形容词
  • He’ll return tomorrow at the latest:副词

2 空间副词


2.1 点:at

Let’s meet at the railway station:火车站虽然是立体的建筑,但是在这句话中火车站只表示双方约定的碰面地点。

2.2 线:on, along

  • Then we can go over the project on our way to Beijing:去北京的火车路线是线。
  • We may go walking through the windy park, or drive along the bench:沿线前进。

2.3 面:on

Several boats can be seen on the lake:湖泊虽然有立体有深度,可是这里指的是湖面。

2.4 体:in

It’s cool in the railway station because they have air-conditioning there:火车站里面有冷气。

3 时间介系词

At 表示点,in 表示长时间,on 表示特定日期:

  • The earthquake struck at 6:00.
  • Typhoons seldom come in winter.
  • There’ll be a concert on New Year’s Day.

4 介系词的分辨

  • On one’s way and in one’s way.
    • On one’s way to Beijing:出发去某地,线型。
    • You’re in my way:别人挡住了自己的路,已经不是一个线型的空间,而是体的概念。
  • Arrive in and arrive at.
    • We’ll arrive at Beijing in 5 mins, where we’ll refuel before flying on to Hangzhou:Beijing 不可谓不大,但是此处的 Beijing 只是一个中途点,所以仍用 at。
    • The home-coming hero arrived in town and was greeted by the crowd gathered along Main Street:小镇很小,但那是它是英雄进的地方,因而被看做立体空间。
  • Made of and made from.
    • These shoes were made from rubber tires:of 的意思比较直接,接近于中文的「……的」。A chair made of wood 是木头做的椅子,直接可以看到木头材料,关系很直接,可以用 of。如果说 wine made from grapes,那表示关系不那么直接:from 有出自于的意思。
  • Between and among.
    • Hangzhou lies between Beijing and Shanghai:between 有位置标记功能。
    • Among the major cities in Japan, Sapporo is the cleanest:among 没有标记功能。
    • Taibei lies between Taoyuann, Yilan and Jilong:三个地点,却还是要用 between,因为需要位置标记。
  • Throw to and throw at.
    • I forget my eyes. Please throw them to me:to 代表方向。
    • The kids are throwing rocks at the poor dog:at 代表一个点,希望能打中。
  • From to and from through.
    • The circus will be here four months, from May to September:没有讲明日期,可能是五月中到九月中,所以大概是四个月。
    • The circus will be here five months, from May through September:头尾都包括,5,6,7,8,9。
  • Above(below) and over(under).
    • He soars above all other peaks in the Alps:above 只表示高度超过,比较高。
    • The little child couldn’t keep the umbrella over his head and soon got wet:over 有标示定点的功能。小孩不是雨伞举不高,而是拿不稳,无法一直遮在头顶,所以会淋湿。