
🔖 english
🔖 grammar

Guangyao Zhao


Jun 19, 2022


1 方法,状态的副词


  • 副词既然修饰动词,就应该尽量和动词接近。
  • 但副词是修饰语,属于不太重要的元素,需要给宾语和补语让位。
  • 需要把特殊状态和方法的副词调到动词前面去。


  • The child giggled happily under the caress of its mother:当然了,happily 也可以放在动词前面,但方法和状态的副词,除非有特殊原因,否则还是要放在动词后面,因为动词是主要元素。
  • He kept quiet resolutely:quiet 是主要元素,所以修饰动词 kept 的副词需要放在后面。
  • He kept resolutely quiet:因为副词既可以修饰动词又可以修饰形容词,此处会让读者以为 resolutely 在修饰 quiet。
  • He resolutely kept quiet:副词如果放在结尾,会受到 quiet 的阻隔,如果放在前面也是对的。
  • He kissed the girl tenderly:有宾语的句型,和补语句型一样,方法状态的副词都要被挤到后面。
  • He passionately kissed the girl living the next door:此句中有一个形容词从句 living next door 修饰女孩,所以副词 passionately 再往后挪,不仅与要修饰的动词 kiss 距离太远,而且会产生歧义。
    • He kissed the girl living next door passionately,这样的话有可能会让读者认为 passionately 在修饰 living,即热情的生活在隔壁
    • 假设把 passionately 放在宾语 the girl 后面,He kissed the girl passionately living next door,还是不通顺。
  • He showed us the document reluctantly:两个宾语都是主要元素,所以副词 reluctantly 被挤到后面。当然了,挪到最前面也是一个办法:He reluctantly showed us the document.
  • They elected him chairman unanimously :因为有宾语补语两个重要的元素在,副词 unanimously 就需要让位,当然这会使它和动词 elected 产生距离,所以可移到前面:They unanimously elected him chairman.
  • I happily pronounce you man and wife:
    • Happily 和 pronounce 相连才能表达出高兴的感觉,离的远了语气就淡了。所以可理解为,如果副词重要,那么完全可以提到动词前面。
    • 全场宾客都在听的是 man and wife 这几个字,所以必须要在后面压轴。

2 强调语气的副词


  • 范围类副词
  • 加强语气
  • 程度副词

3 强调范围的副词

这类副词不多,比如 only, merely, also, especially, particularly, even 等,其位置比较严格,可放在修饰对象的前面或者后面,但不允许和对象有任何距离。因为可修饰任何词类,位置一变动,就会产生歧义:

  • I heard about the accident yesterday:我昨天听说了这场意外。
  • Only I heard about the accident yesterday:只有我昨天听说了这场意外。
  • I only heard about the accident yesterday:我昨天只听说了这场意外。
  • I heard about only the accident yesterday:我昨天全听人在讲这场意外。
  • I heard about the accident only yesterday:我直到昨天才听说了这场意外。

4 加强语气的副词


  • He is very much his father’s son.
  • You’re utterly insane.
  • I badly need a drink.

5 程度副词


  • The project is almost finished.
  • The promotion was moderately successful.

6 修饰句子的副词


6.1 连接副词


  • Clark Gable, however, is lousy.
  • Therefore, the film is less than perfect.
  • It is still a good movie; besides, good romances are rare these days.

6.2 分离副词


  • Scientifically, the experiment was a success:深入看,这个句子应该是Scientifically speak, the experiment was a success 的省略,scientifically 其实是在修饰 speak。更进一步还原为 If we are speaking scientifically, the experiment was a success。所以很明显中间需要用逗号分离两个句子。