
🔖 english
🔖 grammar

Guangyao Zhao


Jun 25, 2022

1 副词从句和形容词从句的比较

  • Because he needs the money, he works hard:because 为从属连接;he needs the money 为副词从句;works hard 为主要从句。
  • He needs the money, and he works hard:He needs the money 为对等从句;and 为连接词;works hard 为对等从句。

2 副词从句和名词从句的比较

  • The witness said that he saw the whole thing:he saw the whole thing 为名词从句。
  • The witness said this, though he didn’t really see it:though 为连接词;he didn’t really see it 为副词从句。


  • 名词从句连接词无意义;副词连接词有意义。
  • 名词从句放入从句中的名词位置,即原句中有不完整的成分;副词从句是修饰语的词类,要附在完整的主要从句上做修饰语。

3 副词从句的种类



  • He became more frugal after he got married.
  • I’ll be waiting for you until you’re married.
  • It was all over when I got there.
  • A small town grew where three roads met.


  • If he calls, I’ll say you’re sleeping.
  • He won’t have it his way, as long as I’m here.
  • Suppose you were ill, where would you go.


  • As there isn’t much time left, we might as well call it a day.
  • There’s nothing to worry about, now that father is back.
  • He looked so sincere that no one doubted his story.
  • The mother locked the door from the outside, so that the kids couldn’t get out when they saw fire.


  • The mother locked away the drugs so that the kids wouldn’t swallow any by mistake
  • I’ve typed out the main points in boldface, in order that you won’t miss them
  • I’ve underlined the key points, least you miss them.
  • You’d better bring more money, in case you should need it.


  • Although you may object, I must give it a try.
  • While the disease is not fatal, it can be very dangerous.


  • As far as money is concerned, you needn’t worry.


  • He played the piano as XXX would have.