
🔖 english
🔖 grammar

Guangyao Zhao


Jun 18, 2022


1 名词短语中的形容词


  • Someone else
  • Anybody else

因为限定词 some,any 已经和名词 one,body 写在一起了,所以中间的形容词位置被挤掉了,else 这个形容词只能放在后面。

A- 开头的古英语形容词,除了可以放在补语位置,如果用在名词短语中,则需要放在名词后面,因为 a- 为词首代表一种暂时性状态,类似于 -ing,不适合放在名词中间代表属性的位置。

  • John and his brother alike are unreliable.
  • Money alone cannot solve our problem.

2 名词转用为形容词


  • A government store
  • My pencil sharpener
  • A cigarette box

3 复合词形容词

短语形状的复合词要放在名词短语中,则必须加上 hyphen 制造成复合词,其中有复数的名词存在,还要将 -s 去掉:

  • A turn-of-the-century publication
  • An eye-opening experience
  • A five-year-old child

4 名词短语中形容词的顺序

在名词短语中,有两个以上的形容词单词出现,就会产生顺序问题:three big red apples。此时不需要死记硬背,而是遵循「越是表达名词属性的形容词就越要靠近名词。即,越是不可变的,客观的性质越要靠近名词。反之,可变的,临时的,主观的因素要放得原理名词。」,如:The murderer left behind a bloody old black Italian leather glove.

  • Glove 的材质是 leather,就算是剪碎了,皮革材料还在里面。
  • Italian 属于不可变因素,有相当强的属性功能。
  • Black,皮革染上黑色后就不变了。
  • Old,手套慢慢变旧。
  • Bloody,原先无血,沾上了血。但只要洗洗,就又无血了。所以 bloody 是和手套最无关的。

5 形容词在名词短语位置与补语位置的比较

  • 形容词:表达名词属性。
  • 补语:补述名词的事项,距离名词最远,常做临时性,补充性的叙述。


  • John is sick today and couldn’t come to work:sick 可以是暂时的,也就是说过了今天 John 可能就好了。
  • John is a sick man:语气是比较永久性的,也就是说病得不轻,短时间好不了。

6 补语位置的形容词


  • This lake is deep.
  • She makes everyone happy.
  • Chinese culture is 5,000 years old.
  • I heard her playing the violin.
  • The fish is still alive.
  • The ballon stays afloat.
  • Coffee keeps him awake.

7 形容词的比较级

  • 一个音节的形容词直接在词尾变化:tall \(\rightarrow\) taller \(\rightarrow\) tallest.
  • 三个音节以上的不适合在词尾变化,而是分成两个词处理:expensive \(\rightarrow\) more expensive \(\rightarrow\) most expensive.


  • Crowed \(\rightarrow\) more crowed \(\rightarrow\) most crowed
  • Loving \(\rightarrow\) more living \(\rightarrow\) most living
  • Helpful \(\rightarrow\) more helpful \(\rightarrow\) most helpful
  • Useless \(\rightarrow\) more useless \(\rightarrow\) most useless
  • Famous \(\rightarrow\) more famous \(\rightarrow\) most famous
  • Active \(\rightarrow\) more active \(\rightarrow\) most active


  • Often \(\rightarrow\) more often (oftener) \(\rightarrow\) most often (oftenest)
  • Shallow \(\rightarrow\) more shallow (shallower) \(\rightarrow\) most shallower (shallowest)

如果是 -y 结尾,则:

  • Happy \(\rightarrow\) happier \(\rightarrow\) happiest
  • Lucky \(\rightarrow\) luckier \(\rightarrow\) luckiest

8 定冠词的判断


  • Yangmingshan is crowed:补语。
  • Yangmingshan is most crowed in March.
  • Yangmingshan is a crowed scenic spot:名词前。
  • Yangmingshan is the most crowed of Taibei’s scenic spots.
  • John is the shorter of the twins.

9 that 和 those 的使用

  • My car is bigger than yours.
  • Cars made in Taiwan are better than those made in Korea:台湾车和韩国车相比,势必要重复一个「车」字,这是对称的要求。但是从修辞的角度来说要尽量避免重复。此时就需要使用代名词。人称代名词的 it 和 they 代表的是先行词,如果此处使用 they,代表的就是「cars made in Taiwan」,就不可以代表「cars made in Korea」。

10 比较级的倒装


  • A chimp has as much I.Q. as a child of five or six does:用 does 代替 has IQ,以避免重复。但是 dose 放在句尾距离 a child 较长,会妨碍句子的清楚流畅性,如果使用倒装就会避免。
  • A chimp has as much IQ as does a child of five or six.